Pros And Cons Of Bernedoodle Complete Guide

Do you know how Bernedoodles have climbed the ranks to become one of the most sought-after dog breeds? Or why their mix of traits may be exactly what you’re looking for in a pet? Bernedoodles combine the best of both the Bernese Mountain Dogs and Poodles, offering a charming personality and a coat that’s friendly for allergy sufferers.

If you’re considering adding a new four-legged friend to your home, it’s wise to weigh the benefits and challenges they may present. and fell completely in love with this breed. From the moment I first met my Bernedoodle, it was clear that his playful spirit and cuddly behavior were the perfect fit for my lifestyle. 

Pros And Cons Of Bernedoodle Complete Guide

Let me take you through my experience of choosing, preparing for, and growing with one of the most charming companions one could ask for.

What Makes a Bernedoodle Special?

Bernedoodles are a hybrid breed, born from a mix of Bernese Mountain Dogs and Poodles. This mix aims to merge the best qualities from each breed. Known for their calm and friendly nature, Bernese Mountain Dogs bring warmth to this crossbreed. Poodles contribute their sharp intelligence and low-shedding fur, which is great for reducing allergies.

Although Bernedoodles are often recommended for allergy sufferers, it’s important to remember that no dog is entirely allergen-free.

What Makes a Bernedoodle Special

These charming dogs are available in several sizes, such as standard, mini, and toy, influenced by the Poodle used in breeding. They are eye-catching, often sporting the beautiful tri-color coat of the Bernese and the textured fur of the Poodle. Their agreeable personality and ability to adjust to different home settings make them beloved as family pets. Learn more about Tri color Bernedoodles.

Bernedoodle Pros

Gentle Nature and Affectionate

Bernedoodles are gaining traction as a favored breed among dog lovers for several reasons. These puppies are notably gentle and friendly, which makes them outstanding pets for families. Drawing on the friendly qualities of both Bernese Mountain Dogs and Poodles, Bernedoodles are known for their warm-hearted nature. 

This makes them perfect for households with kids and an ideal choice for those who have never owned a dog before or are seeking a placid and sociable pet. Their mild temperament and capacity to bond deeply with family members are what set them apart as exceptional companions.

Bernedoodle Pros


Bernedoodles are well-loved for their kind and pleasant temperament. Thanks to their Bernese Mountain Dog heritage, these dogs are naturally caring, faithful, and work well in family settings. They’re particularly good with both kids and adults because of their loving and gentle personalities. 

Bernedoodles often become very attached to their families, forming strong bonds with their owners and other household members. Due to their tendency to stick close to their humans, they’re sometimes affectionately called “velcro dogs.” The deep connection makes them not just pets, but loyal and cherished members of the family.

Low Shedding 

Bernedoodles are often celebrated for their hypoallergenic coats, a trait they inherit from their Poodle ancestors. This feature of low shedding is a boon for people with allergies because it means less dander floating around, which can trigger allergic reactions.

While no dog breed is entirely free from allergens, some breeds are known to be more suitable for allergy sufferers. 

The American Kennel Club points out that while completely hypoallergenic dogs don’t exist, certain breeds, like the Poodle, are often recommended for those with sensitivities to pet dander. If you’re concerned about allergies, it’s a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider for advice specific to your situation.
Many Bernedoodle owners will tell you their pets are among the better choices for those prone to allergies, thanks to the Poodle’s influence on their genetic makeup. Their coats shed very little, which helps keep the home environment cleaner and more suitable for allergy sufferers, allowing them to enjoy dog ownership without as many sniffles and sneezes. I’ve written a detailed guide on mini Bernedoodle shedding that I encourage you to read now.

Intelligent and trainable

Bernedoodles are a blend of two smart breeds: Bernese Mountain Dogs and Poodles. This combination makes them not only smart but also eager to learn, which translates into them being quite trainable. It’s crucial to start their socialization and training early to help them grow into well-adjusted pets.

Among dog breeds renowned for their intelligence, you may think of Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, or Labradors, but Poodles are also near the top of the list, right after Border Collies

With Poodles being second only to Border Collies in terms of intelligence, Bernedoodles benefit greatly from this trait. Bernese Mountain Dogs themselves are no slouches, ranked 27th for intelligence, which enhances the smarts of the Bernedoodle further.

Family pets

Bernedoodles, like many Doodle hybrids, are excellent for families. Each Bernedoodle might show more characteristics from the Bernese side or the Poodle side, so their personalities can vary. From my own experience as a two-dog owner, socializing your Bernedoodle early; with classes like puppy socialization, manners, or training is important. 

Bernese Mountain Dogs are known as “gentle giants” and are typically a good match for families with older children, though it’s always advised to supervise any dog when they are with children to ensure everyone’s safety.

Different Sizes

Bernedoodles come from mixing Bernese Mountain Dogs with Poodles of varying sizes; Standard, Miniature, or Toy. The resulting Bernedoodle’s size varies accordingly. Standard Bernedoodles typically stand 23 to 29 inches tall and weigh between 70 to 90 pounds. 

Miniature versions usually measure 18 to 22 inches in height and weigh 25 to 49 pounds, while the smallest, the Toy Bernedoodles, are about 12 to 17 inches tall and weigh 10 to 24 pounds. This variety allows potential owners to choose a dog that fits well with their home size and lifestyle. Get to know more about Bernedoodle sizes.

Active and playful

Bernedoodles are full of energy and love to play, making them a great match for families that are similarly active. It’s important for them to have regular playtimes and exercise to stay healthy, both in body and mind.

Adaptable and versatile

Bernedoodles are quite flexible when it comes to their living conditions. They can be comfortable in both small apartments and spacious houses. 

Their ability to adapt to different levels of activity and various living spaces makes them ideal for a wide array of owners, from those who enjoy quiet indoor activities to those who are outdoors and active.

Cons of a Bernedoodle

Grooming requirements

Bernedoodles are generally low-shedding and are often referred to as hypoallergenic, meaning they typically don’t leave much fur around the house. 

However, they do need regular grooming. Daily brushing is necessary to clear out dead hair, dirt, and debris, which helps prevent their coats from becoming matted and tangled. This not only keeps them looking good but also helps avoid possible skin infections.

Cons of a Bernedoodle

Despite their coats being relatively easy to manage, Bernedoodles still need a thorough brushing and occasional visits to a professional groomer every few months. This keeps their fur in top condition and prevents any matting.

Bernedoodles are fantastic pets that bring a lot of positives to a home, but they also require attention and care. Knowing about their grooming needs and other aspects of their care will help you decide if a Bernedoodle is the right dog for your lifestyle. 

Owning a pet is a serious commitment, so it’s important to ensure you’re ready to provide all the necessary care and training they need to be happy and healthy.


It’s not uncommon for Bernedoodle owners to notice a stubborn streak in their pets. This trait might stem from their Poodle heritage, which includes a blend of high intelligence and a strong sense of independence. 

Similarly, Bernese Mountain Dogs, historically bred to guard livestock in the mountains, are naturally quick thinkers who can act independently. Each Bernedoodle may show different levels of these qualities, but with early, consistent, and firm training, they can learn to follow commands more willingly.

Exercise needs

Like all dogs, Bernedoodles thrive on both mental and physical activity to keep them healthy and content. Poodles, known for their high energy, need about 60 to 120 minutes of daily activity. They’re enthusiastic about various types of exercise and enjoy staying active.

On the other hand, Bernese Mountain Dogs, while still needing daily exercise, are less demanding. About 30 minutes of moderate activity each day is sufficient for them. Although they are indoor pets, they love being outdoors and are excellent companions for activities like walking or hiking.

Managing the exercise needs of Bernedoodles, given their mixed lineage, is key to maintaining their health and happiness. They benefit greatly from a routine that includes plenty of exercise and interactive play.


Bernedoodles, much like other designer breeds such as Goldendoodles and Labradoodles, tend to be quite costly. Research shows that the typical price range for a Bernedoodle puppy from breeders is between $3,000 and $4,000.

Food Intolerances

While it’s often thought that mixed breeds may have better overall health compared to purebreds, Bernedoodles can still face certain health challenges, including food sensitivities. Conversations with Bernedoodle owners reveal that this issue is not uncommon. 

If you’re considering adopting a Bernedoodle, it’s a good idea to talk to a veterinarian about potential dietary concerns. An allergy test for dogs can also help identify what, if any, food intolerances your pup might have. This preparation can help ensure that you’re ready to manage any health issues that may arise.

Wrapping Up 

Like any breed or mixed breed, Bernedoodles come with their own set of advantages and challenges that potential dog owners should think about before deciding to get one.

Bernedoodles are known for being affectionate, intelligent, and loyal, making them excellent family pets. Some may also have hypoallergenic and low-shedding qualities, but it’s important to remember that no dog is completely free from allergens.

If you choose to welcome a Bernedoodle into your family, be ready to commit to frequent grooming to keep their coat healthy and prevent matting.


  • james herry

    James Herry is a dog breed specialist with 5 years of immersive experience in understanding the diverse world of canine breeds. Known for his unique blend of expertise and passion, James translates complex breed traits into practical, accessible insights. His journey has been driven by a love for dogs and a commitment to helping owners match with the perfect breed. James’s expertise doesn’t just inform—it inspires a deeper connection between dogs and their families.

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